Mullen Stern posted an update 2 days, 20 hours ago
The ADMIXTURE analysis indicated that the Istrian shorthaired hound could be involved in the development of some other hunting dog breeds. DNA Repair inhibitor The estimated effective population size (Ne) based on SNP data was similar to Ne calculated from genealogical data indicating the absence of bottlenecks and well-balanced use of breeding animals. The low genomic inbreeding coefficient, together with the higher number of short runs of homozygosity, observed in the Istrian shorthaired hound, confirms the ancient origin of the breed based on historical documents. The analysis of selective sweeps identified genomic regions with the strongest selection signals in the vicinity of the genes associated with cognitive performance and behavior. Genome analysis proved to be a useful tool for estimating population parameters and can be implemented in the conservation plan for this indigenous breed.Although earlier meta-analysis studies have provided evidence-based information useful for decision-making, debate regarding their quality continues. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of meta-analysis studies in the field of dance therapy (DT) using the Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) and AMSTAR 2 assessment tools. Meta-analysis studies on DT were collected from various databases. Seven meta-analysis studies were selected for this study. Our findings showed that the quality level of the meta-analysis studies related to DT was “High” on the AMSTAR evaluation, but their quality decreased to “Low” on the AMSTAR 2 evaluation. Moreover, using AMSTAR 2, 71.43% of the studies fell within the category of “Moderate” or below. There was no statistically significant difference in the quality scores of the characteristics of these studies. Our results suggest that (1) education on meta-analysis guidelines is required to improve the quality of DT-related meta-analysis studies, and (2) methodological caution is warranted, since different outcomes in evaluation scores for each tool may be obtained when using AMSTAR and AMSTAR 2. Based on this study, it is expected that common and specific guidelines for meta-analysis in DT can be established.The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in women with a non-Western ethnic minority background in Nordic countries is high. The aim of this study was to assess vitamin D knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in women with a non-Western ethic minority background living in Denmark. A validated vitamin D knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors’ questionnaire was translated into Danish, piloted, and distributed via relevant Facebook groups. The responses were analyzed using parametric and non-parametric tests for descriptive and bivariate analyses. In total, 254 women who considered themselves having a non-Western ethnic minority background responded to the questionnaire. The median age (IQR) was 25 (23-33) years old; 32% had a professional bachelor’s, 28% had high school, and 22% had a master’s or higher university education. Participants scored higher on vitamin D general knowledge (scores above 80 on the scale 0-100) compared to vitamin D nutrition knowledge or vitamin D attitudes and behaviors (scores around 60 on the scale 0-100). In conclusion, the vitamin D knowledge among study participants-i.e., young well-educated non-Western ethnic minority women in Denmark-was pretty good. The further examination of vitamin D knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors should explore specifics related to nationality and religion and focus on less-educated non-Western ethnic minority women in Denmark and other Nordic countries.Malignant pleural effusions (MPEs) often develop in advanced cancer patients and confer significant morbidity and mortality. In this review, we evaluated whether molecular profiling of MPEs with next generation sequencing (NGS) could have a role in cancer management, focusing on lung cancer. We reviewed and compared the diagnostic performance of pleural fluid liquid biopsy with other types of samples. When applied in MPEs, NGS may have comparable performance with corresponding tissue biopsies, yield higher DNA amount, and detect more genetic aberrations than blood-derived liquid biopsies. NGS in MPEs may also be preferable to plasma liquid biopsy in advanced cancer patients with a MPE and a paucicellular or it could be difficult to obtain tissue/fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Of interest, post-centrifuge supernatant NGS may exhibit superior results compared to cell pellet, cell block or other materials. NGS in MPEs can also guide clinicians in tailoring established therapies and identifying therapy resistance. Evidence is still premature regarding the role of NGS in MPEs from patients with cancers other than lung. We concluded that MPE processing could provide useful prognostic and theranostic information, besides its diagnostic role.Tendons are unique forms of connective tissue aiming to transmit the mechanical force of muscle contraction to the bones. Tendon injury may be due to direct trauma or might be secondary to overuse injury and age-related degeneration, leading to inflammation, weakening and subsequent rupture. Current traditional treatment strategies focus on pain relief, reduction of the inflammation and functional restoration. Tendon repair surgery can be performed in people with tendon injuries to restore the tendon’s function, with re-rupture being the main potential complication. Novel therapeutic approaches that address the underlying pathology of the disease is warranted. Scaffolds represent a promising solution to the challenges associated with tendon tissue engineering. The ideal scaffold for tendon tissue engineering needs to exhibit physiologically relevant mechanical properties and to facilitate functional graft integration by promoting the regeneration of the native tissue.Since its early stages, the COVID-19 pandemic has interacted with existing divides by ethnicity and socioeconomic statuses, exacerbating further inequalities in high-income countries. The Swedish public health strategy, built on mutual trust between the government and the society and giving the responsibility to the individual, has been criticized for not applying a dedicated and more diverse strategy for most disadvantaged migrants in dealing with the pandemic. In order to mitigate the unequal burden on the marginalized members of society, increasing efforts have been addressed to digital health technologies. Despite the strong potential of providing collective public health benefits, especially in a highly digitalized context as Sweden, need for a stronger cooperation between the public health authorities and migrant community leaders, representatives of migrant associations, religious leaders and other influencers of disadvantaged groups has emerged. Suggestions are presented on more culturally congruent, patient-centered health care services aimed to empower people to participate in a more effective public health response to the COVID-19 crisis.