Maynard Tan posted an update 2 days, 12 hours ago
We also expanded our literature review to KS in other forms of systemic vasculitis. Our case-based review emphasizes the importance of considering infectious complications of immunosuppressive therapy, especially glucocorticoids, and highlights the rare association of KS in systemic vasculitis.During Medieval and Renaissance times up to the 19th century hagiotherapy was a common part of many different health offerings in society. Within the field of urology, kidney stone disease and venereal (sexually transmitted) diseases were the favourite subjects. Even today, the names of St. Libory, St. Roche, St. Apollinaire and St. Dionysius are common within the culture of remembrance in Europe and the USA.
GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) is awidely used approach in the fields of medicine and public health to assess the outcome-specific certainty of the evidence in systematic reviews.
To make the GRADE approach comprehensible in order to facilitate the reading, understanding and interpretation of GRADE assessments in systematic reviews.
Presentation of the procedure of the GRADE approach using the example of aCochrane review on selenium supplements in the prevention of prostate cancer.
GRADE provides criteria for rating the certainty of evidence. GRADE’s approach to rating the certainty of the evidence is based on afour-level system (high, moderate, low, very low). The GRADE approach classifies bodies of randomized controlled trials as initially starting at high certainty and bodies of observational studies at initially starting at low certainty. By assessing the five domains (risk for bias, inconsistency, indirectness, insufficient precision and publication bias), certainty can be rated down or, in the case of large effects, existing dose-response relationships or plausible confounders, rated up.
GRADE is aconsistent and transparent approach for rating the certainty of abody of evidence by offering explicit key questions.
GRADE is a consistent and transparent approach for rating the certainty of a body of evidence by offering explicit key questions.
The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the return to sport rates following surgical management of ostechondritis dissecans of the elbow.
The databases EMBASE, PubMed, and MEDLINE were searched for relevant literature from database inception until August 2020 and studies were screened by two reviewers independently and in duplicate for studies reporting rates of return to sport following surgical management of posterior shoulder instability. A meta-analysis of proportions was used to combine the rates of return to sport using a random effects model. A risk of bias assessment was performed for all included studies using the MINORS score.
Overall, 31 studies met inclusion criteria and comprised of 548 patients (553 elbows) with a median age of 14 (range 10-18.5) and a median follow-up of 39months (range 5-156). Of the 31 studies included, 14 studies (267 patients) had patients who underwent open stabilization, 11 studies (152 patients) had patients who underwent arthroscopic stabilization, both open and arthroscopic procedures.
Level IV.
Level IV.
The timing of psychological and physical recovery after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction represents an open issue in current orthopedic practice. Several tools have been developed to evaluate these factors, with the most recent being represented by the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) return to sport injury scale (ACL-RSI). The aims of this study were to provide a validated Italian translation of the ACL-RSI in a population of sport patients, and to identify a possible correlation of the ACL-RSI score with the return to sport (RTS) time and the level of sport participation in comparison to the pre-injury one.
The Italian translation and cultural adaptation of the scale were completed using a using the “translation-back translation” method. A total of 130 patients were enrolled and completed the study questionnaires 6months after ACL reconstruction. Randomly, 65 of them were re-tested for the ACL-RSI within 2weeks. The internal consistency, reliability, feasibility, and construct validity of the I study demonstrated that the Italian ACL-RSI is a reliable tool for evaluating the psychological readiness for return to sports of athletes who underwent ACL reconstruction, especially when collected at the end of the rehabilitation process. Since the IT ACL-RSI used in this study is a faithful translation of the original English version, this finding can be generalized to other cultural contexts and languages too.
Level II.
Level II.On 19 February 2019 the severance of a 110kW cable caused an extensive electrical power cut in the Treptow-Köpenick district of Berlin. Subsequently, ca. 30,000 households were without electricity and ca. 70,000 people were affected. The power cut lasted more than 24h and all those involved were faced with a multitude of challenges. An operational command post was set up in which medical problems had to be continuously identified and re-evaluated. These included the identification of patients particularly at risk, such as home-ventilated patients and patients with artificial hearts. find more Furthermore, individual nursing homes had to be evacuated. During the procedure it was necessary to evacuate an intensive care ward or intermediate care ward with 23 patients due to the loss of power supply in the affected area. Hospitals must be prepared for such scenarios within the framework of preliminary planning. Furthermore, preliminary planning containing the special needs of vulnerable groups must be carried out on the part of the responsible authorities.The use of tranexamic acid (TXA) is established in the treatment of bleeding, especially of bleeding due to hyperfibrinolysis. In recent years the prophylactic use of TXA in trauma and orthopedic surgery has increased leading to open questions regarding potentially associated risks and a possible classification as off label use. The available literature provides a sound basis for the recommendation that TXA can be used in these indications provided that an individual risk assessment is done in patients with increased risks for thromboembolic complications. Although the prophylactic use of TXA in orthopedic surgery and trauma is not explicitly listed in the product characteristics, it should not be regarded as an off label use.