• Cain Zhao posted an update 3 days, 1 hour ago

    Also, in ALI mice, low dosage of TM attenuated goblet cell proliferation of tracheal wall, and declined LW/BW ratio, ELGV, total cells and neutrophils, protein concentrations in BALF, and IL-6 and TNF-α expression in lung tissues and BALF. Collectively, this study suggests that a low dosage of TM-induced ER stress can enhance the autophagy of AM in ALI mice models, thus attenuating the progression of ALI and airway inflammation.This experiment was carried out to study the effect of water extracted pomegranate peel extract (PE) on ruminal protein degradation and post-ruminal digestion in the dairy cow. PE was added at six levels of total phenolics (g/kg of the basal diet); 3.75 (PE1); 4.4 (PE2); 5.05 (PE3); 5.70 (PE4); and 6.35 (PE5). Rumen degradable crude protein (rdCP) decreased with PE addition (L  less then  0.0001), but total CP degradability (tdCP) was not affected. Compared to PE0, PE2, and PE3 diets showed higher (L = 0.054, Q = 0.029) digestibility of bypass CP (dBCP). Increasing levels of PE resulted in a decrease in proteolytic bacteria numbers (p  less then  0.0001). At PE4 and PE5 levels, total VFA and acetate concentrations linearly decreased compared to PE0. PE inclusion lowered the acetatepropionate ratio (L = 0.0001) and Ammonia-N production after 24 h (L = 0.0008) of incubation. The total number of protozoa, genera Dasytricha and Isotricha, and subfamilies Entodiniinae, Diplodiniinae, and Ophrioscolecinae decreased with increasing dietary PE concentration (p  less then  0.0001). The results suggest that all levels of PE addition reduce the protozoal population and Ammonia-N concentration. All PE levels slowed down protein degradation in the rumen but PE2 and PE3 showed the greatest effect.Background This meta-analysis evaluates the correlation between the IL-6 -174 G > C polymorphism and susceptibility of childhood sepsis. Methods We searched PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, CNKI, SID, SciELO databases until December 30, 2019 to identify all eligible studies. Results A total of 17 studies with 1,287 cases and 2,482 controls were identified. Pooled data revealed that there was no significant association between the IL-6 -174 G > C polymorphism and risk childhood sepsis in the overall population. When stratified analysis was carried out by age group of cases, no associations were found in neonates and pediatrics. However, in ethnicity-based subgroups, a significant association was found in Caucasians and Africans. Conclusions There was no significant association of the IL-6 -174G > C polymorphism with susceptibility to sepsis in childhood overall, but there was an association with the Caucasian and African ethnic subgroups.Dr William Katt is a multidisciplinary scientist with particular focus in computational, synthetic and biological chemistry. He obtained his undergraduate degree at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and performed his graduate studies at Yale University, where he focused on designing small-molecule inhibitors of the Rho/Rho GEF interaction. Following those studies, Dr Katt accepted a fellowship from the American Cancer Society which funded his work at Cornell University, where he investigated small-molecule inhibitors of the enzyme glutaminase, a key player in cancer metabolism. Today, Dr Katt is a research associate at Cornell and maintains a number of collaborations with researchers across the nation examining glutaminase, cancer stem cells, nano-therapeutics and more, with the goal of developing therapeutic approaches that will eventually help patients in the clinic.We isolated and characterized 65 anaerobic gut fungal (AGF; Neocallimastigomycota) strains from fecal samples of five wild (W, axis deer, white-tailed deer, Boer goat, mouflon, and Nilgiri tahr), one zoo-housed (Z, zebra), and three domesticated (D,  horse, sheep, and goat) herbivores in the US states of Texas (TX) and Oklahoma (OK), Wales (WA), and the Indian states of Kerala (KE) and Haryana (HA). Phylogenetic assessment using the D1-D2 regions of the large subunit (28S) rDNA and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) identified seven monophyletic clades that are distinct from all currently recognized AGF genera. All strains displayed monocentric thalli and produced exclusively or predominantly monoflagellate zoospores, with the exception of axis deer strains, which produced polyflagellate zoospores. Analysis of amplicon-based AGF diversity surveys indicated that zebra and horse strains are representatives of uncultured AL1 group, whereas domesticated goat and sheep strains are representatives of uncultured AL5 group, previously encountered in fecal and rumen samples of multiple herbivores. The other five lineages, all of which were isolated from wild herbivores, have not been previously encountered in such surveys. Our results significantly expand the genus-level diversity within the Neocallimastigomycota and strongly suggest that wild herbivores represent a yet-untapped reservoir of AGF diversity. We propose seven novel genera and eight novel Neocallimastigomycota species to comprise these strains, for which we propose the names Agriosomyces longus (mouflon and wild Boer goat), Aklioshbomyces papillarum (white-tailed deer), Capellomyces foraminis (wild Boar goat), and C. elongatus (domesticated goat), Ghazallomyces constrictus (axis deer), Joblinomyces apicalis (domesticated goat and sheep), Khoyollomyces ramosus (zebra-horse), and Tahromyces munnarensis (Nilgiri tahr).Allopreening occurs when 1 bird preens another bird. The behavior is normally directed at the head and neck of the recipient, i.e., regions that the bird cannot self-preen. JAK cancer Studies of penguins, pigeons, and other groups of birds suggest that allopreening plays a role in the control of ectoparasites, such as ticks and feather lice. However, it is not known whether allopreening increases in response to increases in parasite load, or whether it is a programmed response that occurs independently of parasite load. We conducted a laboratory experiment using wild-caught rock pigeons (Columba livia) to test the relationship between ectoparasite load and allopreening rate. We added feather lice (Columbicola columbae) to captive pigeons and tested for changes in allopreening rates compared to control birds with no lice added. Allopreening rates did not change in response to the addition of lice. Interestingly, however, our data revealed a negative correlation between allopreening and self-preening rates.