• Jorgensen Melvin posted an update 22 hours, 43 minutes ago

    Also, the fight against the consequences of COVID-19, when hundreds of thousands of neighboring states citizens need qualified rehabilitation, can become a driver for the development of the sanatorium-resort complex of Russia. The purpose of the study is to identify bottlenecks in the development strategy of the recreational potential of the regions of the Russian Federation and make suggestions for its improvement. The number of foreign patients who received medical care from January to May 2020 in the federal districts is 729,000. This indicator was achieved during the pandemic, and therefore does not reflect the true potential of rehabilitation as an element of the full cycle of medical care for foreign patients. The target audience for rehabilitation programs is up to 100,000 foreign patients.The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the export of medical services as one of the areas of the national project “Healthcare” is determined by the level of involvement of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of this project. The aim of the study is to identify how many medical institutions in Russia need qualified personnel for the export of medical services based on a survey of students in the educational cycle “Export of medical services” and an online survey. The analysis shows that at the moment, in medical institutions both in Moscow and the whole Russian Federation, there is a shortage of qualified managers in this area. 25 students of the educational cycle on the export of medical services were interviewed. 100% of the respondents do not know where to start exporting medical services and want to gain knowledge on promoting medical services in their organization. An online survey of 70 regions of the Russian Federation showed that representatives of medicremote format, providing for a regional component and methodological recommendations taking into account regional specifics.This article presents the results obtained during the analysis of different types of health technology assessment (HTA). In the world HTA agencies can be organized at the national (federal), regional or local levels; they can have various levels of dependence on public authorities (independent, public, dependent), various sources of financing (state, mixed). The nature of the tasks and the range of powers of the institutions for HTA differ regulatory, organizational or advisory. They themselves can initiate HTA (proactive), or they can conduct HTA at the suggestion of the applicants and analyze the quality of the HTA reports provided (reactively). HTA can be focused on economic assessment, comparative clinical assessment, as well as balanced, both on economic and comparative clinical assessments. HTA may be conducted on drugs, medical devices, and other medical technologies. The methods for conducting HTA significantly depend on its subject. In terms of the scope of the assessment, it is possible to single out full OMT, mini-OMT and express-OMT, as well as fast-track-OMT, proposed by the HTA agency in the UK. Geldanamycin chemical structure The final users of HTA (administration, suppliers, patients) and its perceptions (instrumental, conceptual, or formal) are specified. The impact of HTA on decision-making is progressively increasing, as the number of medical technologies that should be assessed to maintain budget discipline is increasing. The versatility of HTA indicates its universality and can contribute to the further expansion of its application at various levels of medical care around the world.This article is devoted to current issues of human resources development in healthcare. The article emphasizes that the effectiveness of the healthcare system and the quality of medical care delivery deeply depend on the results of the work of medical workers, which are determined by their knowledge, skills and motivation. Considering the necessity of providing the healthcare sector with highly qualified personnel, as well as replenishing the staff with young specialists, we can say that public health is directly dependent on their competence. In addition, the problem of reducing staff turnover and retaining young specialists in the workplace is important, this problem can be solved by the mentoring system in a medical organization. In the article documents of international organizations and the Russian regulatory framework are analyzed, the data from the author’s studies conducted in 2019-2020 are presented. The results of the expert interviews and questionnaires indicate a positive attitude of the respondents to the mentoring system as an instrument for developing human resources in medical organizations. Analyzing the data obtained, the author comes to the conclusion about the need for a competent organization of the mentoring process. This article focuses on the legislative regulation of mentoring, as well as incentive measures for mentors.Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of various options for the supply of direct antiviral agents for patients with chronic viral hepatitis C. An analysis of the data of Moscow Department of Health on the drug supply of patients with chronic hepatitis C antiviral drugs at the expense of budgetary funds in Moscow was carried out. The direct medical costs of the urban healthcare system for the use of direct antiviral action drugs for the period from 2017 to 2019 were calculated. For the period from 2017 to 2019, 6,936 patients with chronic hepatitis C received medication with antiviral drugs at the expense of budget funds in Moscow. An increase in the number of patients compared to the base (2017) year was noted by 76%, as well as an increase in the volume of interferon-free antiviral therapy sets against the background of an increase in budget expenditures by 212%. The average level of cost for all sets with direct antiviral drugs amounted to 689,844 rub. The most commonly used set is Dac + Asu. The average cost of this set per patient treated as part of the first-line antiviral therapy was 58,899 rub. cheaper than a set of 3D, and 58,861 rub. more expensive than the Grz/Elb set, while the need for retreatment for the Dac + Asu set was 8.4%, and for the 3D, Grz/Elb and Gle/Pib sets, 0.58%, 0% and 0%, respectively. An even greater excess of the average was recorded for the Sof + Dac, Sof + Sim sets which naturally entailed the excess of the costs of treating one patient with this distribution of treatment sets and financial resources by 253,236 rub. and 189,173 rub., respectively, which is 1.36 and 1, 27 times the average cost of all prices for antiviral treatment sets. Most often, re-medication was provided to patients who were initially provided with Sof set (33%), followed by Sim + Dac set (18.6%), 8.4% of re-medication cases were registered in patients who received Dac + Asu set as the first line of therapy. Budget costs for the second and subsequent sets of therapy increased by 92,739,115.30 rub.