Mahmoud Locklear posted an update 1 day, 2 hours ago
Indole is an intercellular signaling molecule in biofilms, which may regulate antibiotic resistance. The release kinetics of this molecule had not been quantitated likely because of the lack of a suitable analytical tool. Our results fill this knowledge gap.Free radicals and nicotine are components of cigarette smoke that are thought to contribute to the development of smoking-induced diseases. China has the largest number of smokers in the world, yet little is known about the yields of tobacco smoke constituents in different Chinese brands of cigarettes. In this study, gas-phase and particulate-phase free radicals as well as nicotine yields were quantified in mainstream cigarette smoke from five popular Chinese brands and two research cigarettes (3R4F and 1R6F). Mainstream smoke was generated under International Organization of Standardization (ISO) and Canadian Intense (CI) smoking regimens using a linear smoking machine. Levels of free radicals and nicotine were measured by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) and gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection, respectively. Under the ISO puffing regimen, Chinese brand cigarettes produced an average of 3.0 ± 1.2 nmol/cig gas-phase radicals, 118 ± 44.7 pmol/cig particulate-phase radicals, and 0.6 ± 0.2 mg/cig nicotine. Under the CI puffing regimen, Chinese brand cigarettes produced an average of 5.6 ± 1.2 nmol/cig gas-phase radicals, 282 ± 92.1 pmol/cig particulate-phase radicals, and 2.1 ± 0.4 mg/cig nicotine. Overall, both gas- and particulate-phase free radicals were substantially lower compared to the research cigarettes under both regimens, whereas no significant differences were observed for nicotine levels. When Chinese brands were compared, the highest free radical and nicotine yields were found in “LL” and “BS” brands, while lowest levels were found in “YY”. These results suggested that the lower radical delivery by Chinese cigarettes compared to United States reference cigarettes may be associated with reductions in oxidant-related harm.How superconductivity emerges from antiferromagnetic ordering is an essential question for Fe-based superconductors. Here, we explore the effect of dimensionality on the interplay between antiferromagnetic ordering and superconductivity by investigating nanoribbons of single-layer FeTe1-xSex films grown on SrTiO3(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, we find a one-dimensional (1D) superconducting channel 2 nm wide with a TC of 42 ± 4 K on the edge of FeTe1-xSex (x less then 0.1) ribbons, coexisting with a non-superconducting ribbon interior that remains bicollinear antiferromagnetically ordered. Density functional theory calculations indicate that both Se and the presence of the edge destabilize the bicollinear antiferromagnetic magnetic order, resulting in a paramagnetic region near the edge with strong local checkerboard fluctuations that is conducive to superconductivity. Our results represent the highest TC achieved in 1D superconductors and demonstrate an effective route toward stabilizing superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors at reduced dimensions.Pesticides, widely used for pest control and plant growth regulation, have posed a threat to the environment and human health. Conventional methods to analyze pesticide residues are not applied to resource-limited areas because of their high cost, complexity, and requirements for expensive instruments (such as GC/MS and LC/MS). To address these challenges, herein we fabricated colorimetric nanozyme sensor arrays based on heteroatom-doped graphene for detection of aromatic pesticides. The active sites of nanozymes could be differentially masked when different pesticides were adsorbed on the graphene, which in turn resulted in the decrease of their peroxidase-mimicking activities. On the basis of this principle, five pesticides (i.e., lactofen, fluoroxypyr-meptyl, bensulfuron-methyl, fomesafen, and diafenthiuron) from 5 to 500 μM were successfully discriminated by the sensor arrays. In addition, discrimination for different concentrations of each pesticide and different ratios of two mixed pesticides were also demonstrated. The practical application of the sensor arrays was further validated by successfully discriminating the pesticides in soil samples. This work not only provides a facile and cost-effective method to detect pesticides but also makes a positive contribution to food safety and environmental protection.The field of proteomics has expanded recently with more sensitive techniques for the bulk measurement of peptides as well as single-molecule techniques. One limiting factor for some of these methods is the need for multiple chemical derivatizations and highly pure proteins free of contaminants. Selleckchem Copanlisib We demonstrate a solid-phase capture-release strategy suitable for the proteolysis, purification, and subsequent chemical modification of peptides. We use this resin on an HEK293T cell lysate and perform one-pot proteolysis, capture, and derivatization to survey peptide capture biases from over 40 000 unique peptides from a cellular proteome. We also show that this capture can be reversed in a traceless manner, such that it is amenable for single-molecule proteomics techniques. With this technique, we perform a fluorescent labeling and C-terminal derivatization on a peptide and subject it to fluorosequencing, demonstrating that washing the resin is sufficient to remove excess dyes and other reagents prior to single-molecule protein sequencing.An RNA signaling aptamer is composed of two units a sensing aptamer that binds the input target molecule and a working aptamer that binds the output target molecule to result in a detectable signal. A conformational change of the signaling aptamer that induces an allosteric interaction with the output target molecule in response to the input target molecule depends on a junction region, which connects the two aptamer units. Efficient and effective optimization of the junction region remains a technical challenge. In this study, we demonstrate a simple strategy for optimizing the junction region through functional RNA selection using RNA-capturing microsphere particles. From approximately 0.2 million sequence variants, a signaling aptamer that enabled intracellular detection of S-adenosyl methionine with a high signal-to-noise ratio, which is approximately 2-fold higher relative fluorescence increment compared to the previously reported signaling aptamer, was obtained after single round of selection. The technology demonstrated here can be used to select RNA sequences that carry out specific functions in response to particular stimuli.