Archer Dickey posted an update 3 days, 15 hours ago
However, consistent with hypotheses, cyber stalking IPA was positively associated with sexual IPA perpetration. The high prevalence of cyber IPA and its association with in-person IPA perpetration suggests that prevention programs targeting cyber IPA on college campuses may be warranted.Beyond being essential for long-term motor-skill development, movement repetition has immediate benefits on performance, increasing speed and accuracy of a second execution. While repetition effects have been reported for single reaching movements, it has yet to be determined whether they also occur for movement sequences, and what aspects of sequence production are improved. We addressed these questions in two behavioral experiments using a discrete sequence production (DSP) task in which human volunteers had to perform short sequences of finger movements. In Experiment 1, we presented participants with randomly varying sequences and manipulated 1) whether the same sequence was repeated on successive trials, and 2) whether participants had to execute the sequence (Go), or not (No-Go). We establish that sequence repetition led to immediate improvements in speed without associated accuracy costs. The largest benefit was observed in the middle part of a sequence, suggesting that sequence repetition facilitated online planning. This claim was further supported by Experiment 2, in which we kept a set of sequences fixed throughout the experiment, thus allowing participants to develop sequence-specific learning once the need for online planning decreased, the benefit of repetition disappeared. Finally, we found that repetition-related improvements only occurred for the trials that had been preceded by sequence production, suggesting that action selection and sequence pre-planning may not be sufficient to reap the benefits of repetition. Together, these results show that repetition can enhance representations at the level of movement sequences (rather than of individual movements) and facilitate online planning.in English, German Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund Während psychosoziale Belastungen und Beanspruchungen bei Pflegekräften allgemein als gut belegt gelten, sind Unterschiede innerhalb des Pflegeberufs bislang kaum erforscht. Ziel Die vorliegende Untersuchung nimmt eine differenzierte Betrachtung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Arbeitsanforderungen und der psychischen Gesundheit von Pflegekräften im somatischen und psychiatrischen Tätigkeitsbereich vor. Methoden Die Daten basieren auf einer Querschnittstudie in einer somatischen und einer psychiatrischen Versorgungseinrichtung (n = 576). Die Erfassung psychosozialer Arbeitsbelastungen und der Burnout-Symptomatik erfolgte mit Hilfe des Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire und des Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. Die Analysen wurden univariat, bivariat und multivariat mittels Regressionsanalysen durchgeführt. Ergebnisse Die Hälfte der Befragten weist mindestens moderate Burnout-Symptome auf, wobei Beschäftigte in der Somatik häufiger betroffen sind. Während quantitative und physische Anforderungen in der somatischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege höher ausgeprägt sind, weisen psychiatrische Pflegekräfte ein höheres Ausmaß an emotionalen Anforderungen, sozialer Unterstützung und Handlungsspielraum auf. Regressionsanalytisch erweisen sich quantitative Anforderungen (β = 0,33) in der somatischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege und emotionale Anforderungen (β = 0,29) in der psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege als stärkste Prädiktoren von Symptomen des Burnouts. Schlussfolgerungen Die Ergebnisse weisen auf tätigkeitsspezifische Profile psychosozialer Belastungen in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege und auf einen hohen Bedarf tätigkeitsdifferenzierter Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung hin.BACKGROUND Vasoplegia is vascular hyporesponsiveness to vasopressors and is an important phenomenon in children with refractory septic shock. This study aimed to develop an objective formula correlated with vasoplegia and evaluate the predictive power for mortality in children with refractory septic shock. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively analyzed children with refractory septic shock admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and monitored their hemodynamics via a pulse index continuous cardiac output (PiCCO) system. Serial hemodynamic data including cardiac index (CI), systemic vascular resistant index (SVRI) and vasoactive-inotropic score (VIS) were recorded during the first 72 hours after PICU admission. We defined vascular reactivity index (VRI) as SVRI/VIS and analyzed the effect of VRI in predicting mortality in children with refractory septic shock. RESULTS Thirty-three children with refractory septic shock were enrolled. The SVRI was lower in the mortality group compared to the survival group (P less then .05). Linrodostat TDO inhibitor The average area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of VRI within the first 72 hours was 0.8 and the serial values of VRI were significantly lower in the mortality group during the period from 0 to 48 hours (P less then .05). However, there were no significant differences in serial CI values between the survival and mortality groups. CONCLUSIONS Vasoactive-inotropic score may potentially be used to quantify the severity of vasoplegia based on the clinical response of vessels after resuscitation with vasopressors. Lower VRI levels may indicate a higher risk of mortality in children with septic shock.BACKGROUND Previous research has examined the relation between mental illness (MI) and perceptions of dangerousness, but less research has focused on its relation to perceived risk of criminality. Individuals with MI are perceived to be more dangerous than those without, and individuals with schizophrenia or substance abuse diagnoses are viewed as being more dangerous. Research also supports that race of individuals with MI plays an important role in the conceptualization and experience of stigma. AIMS The current study investigated the relation between MI, perceived criminality and race of diagnosed individuals. METHOD Two hundred ninety participants were randomly assigned to read one of the four vignettes and answer a series of questions. The first three vignettes depicted someone with MI (schizophrenia, depression or alcohol dependency), while the fourth vignette served as a control. Participants were asked to indicate likelihood of committing a future crime, severity of the future crime and the person’s potential for rehabilitation.