• Weeks Garcia posted an update 4 days, 21 hours ago

    Krankheiten bei ihnen vorlagen und inwiefern der Therapiebedarf den Kindergarten-ErzieherInnen und Eltern bewusst war.in English, German HINTERGRUND  Das Neugeborenen-Hörscreening wurde in Deutschland mit dem Jahr 2009 eingeführt. Eine Evaluation des primären Hörscreenings auf der Ebene der Geburtskliniken war bereits bei dessen Einführung vorgesehen. Dieser Beschluss bezog jedoch nicht die nachfolgenden Untersuchungen ein, sodass bisher kaum Evaluationsstudien über die pädaudiologische Konfirmationsdiagnostik von im Hörscreening initial auffälligen Kindern vorliegen. Filanesib solubility dmso METHODEN  570 Datensätze von im Hörscreening auffälligen Kindern (56 % männlich) der Jahre 2009–2016 wurden in Hinblick auf das Vorliegen einer permanenten Schwerhörigkeit von ≥ 35 dB ausgewertet. Die Einhaltung der Forderungen der aktuellen Leitlinie wurde überprüft. Bei allen Kindern wurde eine Hirnstammaudiometrie (BERA) durchgeführt. ERGEBNISSE  Eine persistierende Schwerhörigkeit zeigten 24 % der Kinder, davon waren 51 % im Sinne einer Innenohrschwerhörigkeit betroffen, die sich in 73 % bilateral manifestierte. Kinder mit Risikofaktoren für Hörstörungen waren extern nur zu 27 % mit der dafür vorgesehenen automatisierten Hirnstammaudiometrie (AABR) untersucht worden und wurden zeitlich stark verzögert vorgestellt (bei Vorliegen von mindestens 2 Risikofaktoren im Median mit 28 Wochen). Die Gruppe der von der Hörscreening-Zentrale Bayern betreuten Kinder zeigte eine geringfügig frühzeitigere Diagnosestellung und einen geringeren Anteil an Lost-to-follow-up Fällen (1 % vs. 2 % ohne Betreuung). DISKUSSION  Die Diagnosestellung gelang in 93 % bei Erstvorstellung. Eine Therapie (z. B. Hörgeräteverordnung) wurde im Median im Alter von 4 Monaten eingeleitet. Der Anteil an Schwerhörigen unter im Hörscreening auffälligen Kindern war vergleichbar mit dem Bundesdurchschnitt. Für den gesamten Prozess des Hörscreenings entscheidend ist die Qualität des primären Screenings – nicht zuletzt, um Kontrollmessungen und Verzögerungen zu vermeiden.The present study aims to examine (1) the preoperative factors that can predict postoperative falls, (2) whether postoperative physical activity (PA) mediates the relationship between fall incidence and gait function, and (3) whether postoperative PA levels are associated with fall risk in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) patients. Ninety-six patients (mean age 72.0 ± 6.1 years) who were observed postoperatively for 6 months were selected. Timed up and go (TUG) was assessed as an indicator of gait function. Fall incidence and PA were investigated for 6 months post-TKA. The body mass index, history of preoperative falls, knee pain, knee extensor strength, range of motion in knee flexion, and modified gait efficacy scale were evaluated. Additionally, postoperative PA levels were categorized into three groups-low less then 3,000, moderate 3,000 to 4,000, and high ≥4,000 steps/day. The relative fall incidence rate was calculated according to the total number of falls normalized for every 1,000 steps/day for 6 month our results suggest that preoperative screening for fall predictors and managing postoperative PA could reduce the fall incidence in TKA patients. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.Robotic-assisted technology in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) aims to increase implantation accuracy, with real-time data being used to estimate intraoperative component alignment. Postoperatively, Perth computed tomography (CT) protocol is a valid measurement technique in determining both femoral and tibial component alignments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of intraoperative component alignment by robotic-assisted TKA through CT validation. A total of 33 patients underwent TKA using the MAKO robotic-assisted TKA system. Intraoperative measurements of both femoral and tibial component placements, as well as limb alignment as determined by the MAKO software were recorded. Independent postoperative Perth CT protocol was obtained (n = 29) and compared with intraoperative values. Mean absolute difference between intraoperative and postoperative measurements for the femoral component were 1.17 degrees (1.10) in the coronal plane, 1.79 degrees (1.12) in the sagittal plane, and 1.90 degrees (1.88) in the transverse plane. Mean absolute difference between intraoperative and postoperative measurements for the tibial component were 1.03 degrees (0.76) in the coronal plane and 1.78 degrees (1.20) in the sagittal plane. Mean absolute difference of limb alignment was 1.29 degrees (1.25), with 93.10% of measurements ≤3 degrees of postoperative CT measurements. Overall, intraoperatively measured component alignment as estimated by the MAKO robotic-assisted TKA system is comparable to CT-based measurements. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.This study aims to investigate clinical and functional factors in patients undergoing unilateral and simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA) who were classified into subgroups of nonobese, obese, and morbidly obese, and to determine perioperative and postoperative complications. We conducted an evaluation of 489 nonobese, obese, and morbidly obese patients who underwent TKA due to primary knee osteoarthritis between January 2006 and December 2013. The arthroplasties were performed by three different surgeons. Patients who underwent unilateral (group 1) or simultaneous bilateral (group 2) TKAs were divided into subgroups in accordance with BMI levels, that is, (a) nonobese (BMI  0.05), except for morbidly obese patients. Most intraoperative and early postoperative complications occurred in the morbidly obese group, especially in those undergoing simultaneous bilateral TKA procedures (p  less then  0.001). Unilateral and simultaneous bilateral TKA procedures showed no differences regarding ROM, clinical scores, and perioperative and early postoperative complications in nonobese and obese patients. A moderate increase was detected in complication rates in the unilateral TKA morbidly obese patients (group 1c); however, morbidly obese patients constituted the major risk group in simultaneous bilateral TKA patients (group 2c) regarding clinical scores (lower WOMAC scores and KSSs) and the development of complications. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.