Holm Norwood posted an update 4 days, 18 hours ago
Ozone-induced changes in the relationship between photosynthesis (An) and stomatal conductance (gs) vary among species, leading to inconsistent water use efficiency (WUE) responses to elevated ozone (O3). Thus, few vegetation models can accurately simulate the effects of O3 on WUE. Here, we conducted an experiment exposing two differently O3-sensitive species (Cotinus coggygria and Magnolia denudata) to five O3 concentrations and investigated the impact of O3 exposure on predicted WUE using a coupled An-gs model. We found that increases in stomatal O3 uptake caused linear reductions in the maximum rates of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax) and electron transport (Jmax) in both species. In addition, a negative linear correlation between O3-induced changes in the minimal gs of the stomatal model (g0) derived from the theory of optimal stomatal behavior and light-saturated photosynthesis was found in the O3-sensitive M. denudata. When the O3 dose-based responses of Vcmax and Jmax were included in a coupled An-gs model, simulated An under elevated O3 were in good agreement with observations in both species. For M. denudata, incorporating the O3 response of g0 into the coupled model further improved the accuracy of the simulated gs and WUE. In conclusion, the modified Vcmax, Jmax and g0 method presented here provides a foundation for improving the prediction for O3-induced changes in An, gs and WUE.Driven by human activities, air pollution and soil degradation are threatening food production systems. Rising ozone in the troposphere can affect several physiological processes in plants and their interaction with symbiotic microorganisms. Plant responses to ozone may depend on both soil fertility and the ontogenetic stage in which they are exposed. In this work, we studied the effects of ozone episodes and soil fertility on soybean plants. We analysed soybean plant responses in the production of aboveground and belowground biomass, structural and functional attributes of rhizobia, and seed production and quality. The experiment was performed with plants grown in two substrates with different fertility (commercial soil, and soil diluted (50%, v/v) with sand). Plants were exposed to acute episodes of ozone during vegetative and reproductive stages. We observed that ozone significantly reduced belowground biomass (≈25%), nodule biomass (≈30%), and biological nitrogen fixation (≈21%). Plants exposed to ozone during reproductive stage growing in soil with reduced fertility had lower seed production (≈10% lower) and seed protein (≈12% lower). These responses on yield and quality can be explained by the observed changes in belowground biomass and nitrogen fixation. The negative impact of ozone on the symbiotic interaction with rhizobia, seed production and quality in soybean plants were greater in soils with reduced fertility. Our results indicate that food security could be at risk in the future if trends in ozone concentration and soil degradation processes continue to increase.POCIS is the most widely applied passive sampler of polar organic substances, because it was one of the first commercially available samplers for that purpose on the market, but also for its applicability for a wide range of substances and conditions. Its main weakness is the variability of sampling performance with exposure conditions. In our study we took a pragmatic approach and performed in situ calibration for a set of 76 pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in five sampling campaigns in surface water, covering various temperature and flow conditions. In individual campaigns, RS were calculated for up to 47 compounds ranging from 0.01 to 0.63 L d-1, with the overall median value of 0.10 L d-1. No clear changes of RS with water temperature or discharge could be found for any of the investigated substances. The absence of correlation of experimental RS with physical-chemical properties in combination with the lack of mechanistic understanding of compound uptake to POCIS implies that practical estimation of aqueous concentrations from uptake in POCIS depends on compound-specific experimental calibration data. Performance of POCIS was compared with grab sampling of water in seven field campaigns comprising multiple sampling sites, where sampling by both methods was done in parallel. The comparison showed that for 25 of 36 tested compounds more than 50% of POCIS-derived aqueous concentrations did not differ from median of grab sampling values more than by a factor of 2. Further, for 30 of 36 compounds, more than 80% of POCIS data did not differ from grab sampling data more than by a factor of 5. When accepting this level of accuracy, in situ derived sampling rates are sufficiently robust for application of POCIS for identification of spatial and temporal contamination trends in surface waters.Salinity stress affects aquatic microalgal growth and their physiological responses have been studied extensively. However, arsenic (As) accumulation and biotransformation by freshwater phytoplankton under a salinity gradient have never been addressed. This study reports a distinctive pattern of As uptake, accumulation, and biotransformation by four axenic freshwater phytoplankton species, i.e., Scenedesmus acutus, Closterium aciculare, Staurastrum paradoxum, and Pediastrum duplex. Phytoplankton cells were incubated in sterilised C medium modified with varying salinity levels (0-5‰) in association with arsenate and phosphate concentrations. Selleck Guanosine 5′-monophosphate The biotransformation of arsenate (i.e., As(V)) to arsenite (As(III)) and to further methylated species decreased with increasing salinity in the culture medium whereas As accumulation increased. Among the four strains, only S. acutus and S. paradoxum converted As(V) to As(III), with no detected methylated species. In contrast, C. aciculare and P. duplex biotransformed As(V) to As(III) and further to methyl arsenic species, such as DMAA. S. acutus and S. paradoxum exhibited higher accumulation tendency than the other two species. S. paradoxum showed the lowest As reduction rate (i.e., As(V) to As(III)) compared to other species, although, without significant variations. The morphological changes were observed in phytoplankton cells in response to increased salinity stress. Moreover, As(V) concentrations in the culture medium significantly decreased by day 7-14. Thus, this study presents a conceptual model of the As biotransformation pattern by axenic freshwater phytoplankton.